See you in Korea in 2001.

  It is a great honor for us to host the 36TH World Skills Competition, the festival of young skilled people of the world - for the second time after 1978 in Korea.
  Recent history has shown in many cases: countries which emphasized the development of skills have become advanced economics. Much in the same vein, the 2001 World Skills Competition is believed to be an important opportunity to recognize and acknowledge the contribution of skills and competencies to the development of nations.

Cooperation between many people, organizations and countries is needed to make this believe and dream come true. The members of the Korean Organizing Committee including me myself will continue to do our best for the development of technical skills and for the friendship and cooperation of the young generaions of the world.

Koo, Cheon-Seo
Chairman/Organization Committee
2001 Seoul 36th WorldSkills Competition

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