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Vocational Education and public-private partnerships

28th May at 12-12.30

Language: English
Target group: Teachers, technical & vocational education training organizations, training providers
Chairperson: Mr. Laurent Thibault, WorldSkills Executive Board Member, Vice President Special Affairs
Contact: WorldSkills Secretariat,
As we enter the 21st century, the world of work is changing dramatically and students must be prepared for the challenges and skills requirements that industry demands. The presentation will also speak about how for many technical professions, academic qualifications are not always sufficient and increasingly vendor certifications are being demanded by employers.


12.00  Welcome and opening of the seminar by Chair

12.05 Vocational Education and the role of public-private partnerships in educating students with the skills required for the 21st century careers
Mr. Ian Illingworth, Program Manager Cisco Academy Nordic Region

The Cisco Networking Academy responds to this challenge with a unique global skills based training programme, a partnership between industry and education. The seminar will focus on the benefits of such a programme for students and educators and how it fulfils the needs of industry and the job markets.

12.20 Discussion and feedback


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