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Das Internationale Skills Festival fur alle, Japan 2007Go to the content

world skills Shizuoka 2007International Skills Festival for All, Japan 2007WorldSkills International Logo
Nachrichten>Interview mit dem Medaillengewinner

Skills information magazine “Skill” is....

A free magazine to develop vocational skills for Young people.
This is mainly distributed to technical high schools,
agricultural high schools and human resources development facilities.

Skill magazine

Medalist interview from "Skill" vol.1

Takuya Hashimoto photo

Applying conventional µm skills to CNC

When he failed to win a prize after entering the National Skills Competition for the second time, Takuya Hashimoto cried tears of frustration.
But when his coach asked him, “Did you try as hard as you cry?” he was embarrassed, and thought that he was being conceited. He then resolved to become a really skilled professional.