Skill explained
Health and social care offers a range of support to individual patients/clients and there family and has a continuing responsibility to work professionally and interactively with the patient/client in order to ensure their holistic care needs are met. Health and social care is closely associated with the medical profession. The health and social care assistant works in diverse environments, including the homes of clients/patients, hospitals, community day care and residential and nursing homes. He or she manages health, physical and psychosocial well-being, support of growth and development, caring and rehabilitation. The support provided is based on assessing, planning, delivering and evaluating a care programme (e.g. support in daily living activities, mobility, drug administration, coping with the health situation, measuring of vital signs etc.). The assistant may work in a team or alone or in both from time to time. Required skills
Professionalism, communication with patients, family and other professionals, communication in critical situations, critical thinking, patient orientation, politeness, flexibility and reliability, caring, teaching skills, hygiene standards techniques, technical knowledge and skills, teamwork, endurance, time management and work under stress What the Competitors do at the Competition
Competitors are expected to:
Assess the situation to identify the needs of the patient/client
Plan the care they will deliver
Provide evidence-based care
Work according to the given information and the situation
Teach the client based on needs identified in the given module
Complete all tasks as assigned by the given module in the time allocated
Respect the patient/client and the principles of law and ethics in their delivery of care
Utilise professional and supportive communication
Document care given as appropriate
Evaluate own working practices