WSAdmin - WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Welcome to the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Webpage! Tue, 08 Mar 2022 11:34:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WSAdmin - WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 32 32 NBC throws its weight behind WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Tue, 08 Mar 2022 11:09:48 +0000 The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) announced that it had sponsored two million Namibian Dollars toward the staging of the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Skills Competition, scheduled to take place at Swakopmund, from Monday, 28 March to Saturday, 2 April 2022. …

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The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) announced that it had sponsored two million Namibian Dollars toward the staging of the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Skills Competition, scheduled to take place at Swakopmund, from Monday, 28 March to Saturday, 2 April 2022.

NBC Director General, Stanley Similo said skills create opportunities and connect societies. “The young people competing at this event are the leading experts of tomorrow, which makes it all the more important that they get the best coverage possible” he said.

Similo added that the overarching purpose of the agreement is to establish framework cooperation the two entities, in areas of mutual interest including TVET careers advocacy, apprenticeships, training, marketing and public relations.

The Namibia Training Authority’s (NTA) Acting Chief Executive Officer, Muvatera Ndjoze-Siririka, said that on behalf of the organising project team, he was delighted to announce NBC, as a platinum sponsor of this event.

“The NBC’s value-in-kind sponsorship covers a broad spectrum of specialised media production, advertising and broadcasting support, including daily live television broadcasts of the event on television and on social media” Ndjoze-Siririkka said.

More than 100 competitors from 11 African countries are to compete in sixteen different technical and vocational trade areas at the event, including an international conference and a careers exhibition.

WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 takes place under the auspices of WorldSkills International and the African Union.

Namibia becomes only the second country on the continent to host WorldSkills Africa, following the inaugural event staged in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2018.

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Germany and UAE Remove Namibia from High-Risk COVID-19 Lists Wed, 02 Feb 2022 13:09:51 +0000 Reacting to the announcement, the head of the Hospitality Association of Namibia (HAN), Gitta Paetzold hailed the re-categorisation for Southern Africa as no longer high risk. “It is very good news, albeit long overdue, as the COVID-19 cases in our …

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Reacting to the announcement, the head of the Hospitality Association of Namibia (HAN), Gitta Paetzold hailed the re-categorisation for Southern Africa as no longer high risk. “It is very good news, albeit long overdue, as the COVID-19 cases in our part of the world have been much lower than in the European Union for months now. This means after the worst state at the end of November, when this region was deemed and categorised high risk with variant status, due to the discovery of Omicron, now being no longer high risk means all travel warnings and regulations have been lifted. No quarantine due on arrival (return) and for fully vaccinated travellers,” she noted.

Further, she explained that ease of travel from Germany and the EU is almost back to pre-COVID levels, as Europe does no longer even require vaccinated travellers to do PRC tests before travelling to the EU. “Namibia is, thus, officially categorised a safe destination, which enables the travel sector to forge ahead with marketing and sales. We hope that soon, global travel will agree on one international travel protocol for all, as sporadic changes to travel restrictions are detrimental to tourism revival,” she appealed.

According to her, the key to now maintain Namibia’s status as a safe and desirable travel destination is clear communication and strong national high-level messaging of Namibian efforts and achievements in managing the pandemic.

In another positive development, the Ministry of International Relations welcomed the lifting of the travel restrictions on travellers from Namibia by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after an engagement on 21 January 2022 between International Relations Minister, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah and Sheik Shakhboot Nahyan Al Nahyan, UAE Foreign Affairs Minister. The United Arab Emirates announced the travel ban would be lifted on 29 January 2022.

Source: New Era.

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Call For Presentations WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 TVET Conference Thu, 13 Jan 2022 09:52:36 +0000 Background WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 (WSAS2022) is a three-tier event hosted by WorldSkills Namibia in partnership with WorldSkills International and the African Union. It includes a Skills Competition, a Careers Exhibition, and a TVET Conference. The TVET Conference is to …

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WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 (WSAS2022) is a three-tier event hosted by WorldSkills Namibia in partnership with WorldSkills International and the African Union. It includes a Skills Competition, a Careers Exhibition, and a TVET Conference.

The TVET Conference is to take place at “The Dome” in Swakopmund, under the theme: “Promoting Skills Development in the 21st Century for Sustainable Economic Growth and African Ownership”. It offers an excellent engagement platform for policymakers, industry, and TVET experts. Local, regional and international TVET experts are to engage conferencegoers by means of topical presentations as per the themes hereunder. The overarching purpose of presentations is to generate knowledge, share experiences, benchmark , and innovate.

The TVET Conference is supported by the African Union Commission (AUC), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), and the German International Cooperation (GIZ) through the Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) programme, which is a programme of the AUC and AUDA-NEPAD with the European Union (EU) and Government of Germany, and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) as Conference Partners to curate the themes, content, and co-create the strategies for speaker engagement and the promotion of the TVET Conference.


The TVET Conference has capacity building, peer review, and enhanced cooperation as its main and overarching objectives. It is to include a range of topical discussions under four broad thematic areas as listed below:


Background TVET is a form of education and training which provides knowledge and skills for employment. TVET programmes are relevant to the needs of the labour market and for increasing the employability prospects of its graduates. It has a social and economic purpose i.e. enabling the smooth transition of trainees from the world of education to the world of work and supplying the labour market with competent graduates. Thus, TVET is positioned as an enabler for socio-economic growth. Evidence presented from both developed and developing countries, confirms TVET as a more effective form of education since it solves several developmental challenges, e.g. its ability to assimilate marginalised groups into its programmes. An effecive TVET system is one that fulfils its purpose. TVET systems in most African countries have been found wanting, in many areas. Challenges facing many African TVET systems mainly, include: skills mismatches, weak industry and stakeholder participation and incompetent TVET teachers.
Discussion points
  1. What are the common TVET challenges in Africa?
  2. Access to Labour Market Information (LMI) has been one of the challenges facing the TVET sector. What methods, strategies and or/systems can be used to access the LMI to inform or direct TVET?
  3. What is the approach of TVET systems regarding socio-professional integration? How do TVET systems integrate graduates into the world-of-work in terms of wages and self-employment?
  4. What are the best practices for the training of TVET teachers? (pedagogy, subject matter or a combination); What about industry exposure? How to go about it?
  5. What are the best practices for the development of TVET curricula to minimize or eliminate skills mismatches?
  6. What are the best practices for authentic assessment of TVET students/trainees?
  7. What is Competence-Based Education and Training (CBET) approach and its implications for TVET?
Background Despite interests in TVET programmatic expansion by many governments, particularly African countries, during the current decade – owing to its role in national development – TVET remains largely underfinanced. This is because it is regarded as an expensive form of education compared to general education (given high costs of material, equipment, facilities), and also the low share of public budget dedicated to TVET compared to other levels of training. Since a lack of funding has been one of the challenges affecting the TVET sector, in most African countries, some have introduced training levy systems, where certain industries that meet the legal requirements contribute a certain percentage of payroll in the form of a skills levy.
Discussion points
  1. What are the sustainable funding models for TVET? Lessons from the training levy systems (Botswana, Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, French speaking countries, and others)
  2. Monitoring and evaluation of the training levy systems
  3. How to ensure that industry supports the paying of levies through successful returns on investment?
  4. Implications of COVID-19 towards levy contribution as a result of liquidations or closure of some industries
Background There exists a symbiotic relationship between technology and TVET. Technological and societal developments, climate change, environmental degradation and scarcity of resources are the order of the day. Literature pro of TVET Technology claim that TVET is a key player in addressing these developments through the transfer of knowledge and skills. Additionally, in recent years there has been an increased focus on the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) for the management and delivery of TVET. ICT is now considered by many governments as a critical component of a responsive, demand-driven TVET system tasked with meeting the needs of trainees/students for more flexible individualized training. International organizations such as UNESCO and ILO had already made commitments to the use of ICT to deliver TVET in both formal and non-formal settings. The COVID-19 pandemic experience gave the TVET sector no option, but to embrace technology in the delivery and management of TVET programmes
Discussion points
  1. Given that TVET programmes reflect the current practices in the world of work, there seems to be a blurred view of how TVET influences technology?
  2. How does TVET interface with the Industrial Revolution?
  3. Best Practices: Greening TVET – The What and How?
  4. Best Practices: How countries have effectively integrated ICT (digitalization of TVET) in the delivery, assessment, and management of TVET programmes?
Background UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education calls on all Member States to “ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning”. The goal emphasized on “an equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university”. In most African countries, certain groups of people have been excluded from participating in TVET. TVET has been a male dominated form of education. Additionally, people living with disabilities have also been denied an opportunity to enrol for TVET programmes.
Discussion points
  1. What are the opportunities, ways, and strategies of including those who have been disadvantaged on the basis of their identity (such as women and people living with disabilities) in TVET?
  2. Engagement and consultation best practice


We invite local, regional, and international TVET experts to be part of this Conference by means of topical presentations as per the themes and topics above. The overarching purpose of presentations is to generate knowledge, share experiences, benchmark, and innovate. Presenters will not be paid honoraria. However, the organizers will take care of the subsistence and travelling expenses. Prospective presenters should respond to this invitation as per the guidelines set out below.


  • Applications will be considered against preset criteria, including thematic relevance, conceptual foundation,
    documented theory, formatting, research, and experience.
  • Applications should not exceed 5 (five) A4 pages in font type: Arial, font size 12, and 1.5-line spacing, and
    must include the following:

    • The presenter applicant’s qualifications, experiences, and expertise (CV)
    • A summary of discussion points as per the conference theme selected
  •  Presentations must be formatted in terms of the following structure:
    • Presentation Summary
    •  Introduction
    • Body
    •  Conclusion
    • Reference List (any referencing style)


The deadline for submission is 31 January 2022. For submitting applications or other questions, please contact the organizing team at

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Launch Event | images Fri, 29 Oct 2021 11:14:41 +0000 0 EU Announces 500,000 Euro Sponsorship for WSAS2022 Mon, 11 Oct 2021 08:42:55 +0000 The European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development have announced a sponsorship of 500-thousand Euro to support the staging of the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Skills Competition, scheduled to take place at Swakopmund, Erongo, from …

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The European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development have announced a sponsorship of 500-thousand Euro to support the staging of the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Skills Competition, scheduled to take place at Swakopmund, Erongo, from 28 March to 1 April 2022.

In her message at the continental event’s official launch at Swakopmund on Friday, European Union Ambassador to Namibia, H.E. Sinikka Antilla said WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 was an important step in leveraging technical and vocational training as a major actor of socio-economic development.

“I believe that our support to Namibia’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training sector is contributing to the establishment of inclusive growth and job creation policies, as emphasized in various national strategies of the Namibian Government, including the Harambee Prosperity Plan 2, the National Development Plan 5 and Vision 2030”, the EU Ambassador highlighted.

Ambassador Antilla stressed that the ongoing support of the EU and her member states, in particular that of the Federal Republic of Germany, are aimed at positioning Namibia’s technical and vocational training sector stood to better support the youth in responding to expectations of the labour market and the digital economy.

“TVET helps youth to respond to new challenges by providing skills needed in the knowledge economy, the blue economy, the circular economy, the green deal, the digital economy, you name it. TVET is also about being able to create own jobs and businesses. Worldskills Africa Swakopmund 2022 represents an excellent opportunity to promote these values and technical expertise to the younger generation”, she stressed.

More than 100 competitors from 13 African countries are to compete in sixteen different technical and vocational trade areas at the event, which also includes an international conference and a careers exhibition.

WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 takes place under the auspices of WorldSkills International and the African Union. Namibia was bestowed the right by WorldSkills International to host the second edition of WorldSkills Africa, following the inaugural event staged in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2018.

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African Union Satisfied with WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Progress Sun, 10 Oct 2021 08:22:50 +0000 The African Union is satisfied with the good progress Namibia is making towards staging the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Skills Competition, scheduled to take place at Swakopmund, Erongo, from 28 March to 1 April 2022. Addressing the official launch of …

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The African Union is satisfied with the good progress Namibia is making towards staging the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Skills Competition, scheduled to take place at Swakopmund, Erongo, from 28 March to 1 April 2022.

Addressing the official launch of WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022, at a ceremony held at Swakopmund’s on Friday evening, the AU’s Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, H.E. Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor, said the continental conglomeration was looking forward to a multi-faceted event showcasing the skills of Africa’s young talents across a wider range of technical and vocational trade areas.

“In launching the countdown to WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022, we recognise that Africa is gaining further traction in advancing the shared social objective of increasing the provision and development of skills. The solid progress with preparations excites and encourages all of us at the African Union”, the AU Commissioner stated.

Professor Agbor singled out the international conference and careers exhibition, which are to take place on the sidelines of the competition, as platforms for African countries to discuss how better to invest in the technical and vocational training sector, and for breaking down the negative societal stereotyping of such career options. “The continent is looking forward to 28 March to 01 April 2022, when Swakopmund, for all intents and purposes, will be the skills capital of Africa. Join us as we build skills for Africa”, Professor Agbor noted.

The Commissioner expressed hope that more countries will join the WorldSkills International movement and access its unreserved opportunities for capacity building. More than 100 competitors from 13 African countries are to compete in sixteen different technical and vocational trade areas, at the event.

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Minister Officially Launches WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Sat, 09 Oct 2021 07:53:43 +0000 The Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation has called upon the business sector to support the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Skills Competition, scheduled to take place at Swakopmund, Erongo, from 28 March to 1 April 2022. Dr. Itah Kandjii-Murangi …

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The Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation has called upon the business sector to support the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Skills Competition, scheduled to take place at Swakopmund, Erongo, from 28 March to 1 April 2022.

Dr. Itah Kandjii-Murangi says this continental capacity building platform – staged in partnership with the African Union – aligns with Namibia’s national long-term strategic endeavor to leverage the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, and by extension, support economic prosperity for future generations.

“In an increasingly competitive global environment, Namibia recognises TVET as a crucial vehicle for social equity, inclusion and sustainable development. We acknowledge TVET’s potential to contribute to lowered unemployment and poverty alleviation and we value TVET’s role in enhancing the levels of self- confidence of individuals in becoming productive citizens”, the Minister explained.

Extending an invitation to corporate Africa and Namibia to support this pioneering initiative, Dr. Kandjii-Murangi said WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 serves as an excellent platform for prospective sponsors from which to generate meaningful brand connections and exposure. “WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 is sure to generate optimal brand exposure for partners in growing their reach in the most populated segment, the youth. Partner involvement will also serve as a demonstration of support and commitment to our continent’s development goals”, she added.

The Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation made the call at the official launch of WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022, at a ceremony held at Swakopmund’s ‘The Dome’ multipurpose and conference centre, on Friday evening.

Namibia was bestowed the right by WorldSkills International to host the second edition of WorldSkills Africa, following the inaugural event staged in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2018. More than 100 competitors from 13 African countries are to compete in sixteen different technical and vocational trade areas at the event, which also includes an international TVET conference and a careers exhibition.

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WSAS2022 – Preparing for a Continental Showpiece Mon, 20 Sep 2021 06:09:00 +0000 Altogether 12 countries have confirmed participation in WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 and will send teams that will compete in different skills areas covering the disciplines of Construction and Building Technology; Manufacturing and Engineering Technology; Information and Communications; Social and Personal …

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Altogether 12 countries have confirmed participation in WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 and will send teams that will compete in different skills areas covering the disciplines of Construction and Building Technology; Manufacturing and Engineering Technology; Information and Communications; Social and Personal Services; Creative Arts and Fashion; and Transportation and Logistics.

The continental event – the 2nd of its kind following the inaugural event staged in Kigali Rwanda in 2018 – is staged in partnership with the African Union and under the aegis of WorldSkills International and the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation. It aligns with Namibia’s national long-term strategic objective to leverage the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, and by extension, support economic prosperity for future generations.

According to the Manager: WorldSkills Namibia, Sens Shoolongo, who stands at the forefront of organizing this event, WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 is going to be all about celebrating excellence, showcasing our skills talent, engaging in capacity building, infusing best practice and fostering cooperation.

Taking place from 28 March to 2 April 2022 at Swakopmund’s renowned ‘The Dome’ complex, WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 is also to include an international conference under the theme: “Promoting Skills Development in the 21st Century for Sustainable Economic Growth and African Ownership”, while a career exposition component is aimed at introducing learners to viable technical and vocational career options.

“I will fail in my duty as project lead if I do not recognise the invaluable contribution our team members and partners are making towards our preparations. Organising an event of this magnitude is a mammoth undertaking. This is really encouraging that team members are willing to take on additional responsibilities on top of their day-to-day deliverables. Their commitment denotes a strong sense of pride in what we do in leveraging the Technical and Vocational Education and Training sector”, Shoolongo shares.

“The latest COVID-19 wave to hit Namibia has somewhat derailed our momentum in preparing for this event. Hard work still lies ahead of us. March/April 2022 is just around the corner, and there is still so much for us to do. However, I’m confident that true to our reputation, we will be able to stage a successful and impactful event”, he adds.

Asked about staging an event of this nature, given the unprecedented challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Shoolongo stressed the commitment of the organisjng team in ensuring participant and visitor safety. “Gathering Africa’s skills community in a safe and healthy environment is our main priority. Stakeholders can rest assured that the organising team is leaving no stone unturned in putting in place a sound and robust safety framework”, he emphasised.

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Erongo to host WorldSkills Africa 2022 Thu, 02 Sep 2021 06:44:31 +0000 Altogether 14 countries have confirmed participation in WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 and will send teams that will compete in different skills areas covering the disciplines of Construction and Building Technology; Manufacturing and Engineering Technology; Information and Communications; Social and Personal …

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Altogether 14 countries have confirmed participation in WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 and will send teams that will compete in different skills areas covering the disciplines of Construction and Building Technology; Manufacturing and Engineering Technology; Information and Communications; Social and Personal Services; Creative Arts and Fashion; and Transportation and Logistics.

The continental event – the 2nd of its kind following the inaugural event staged in Kigali Rwanda in 2018 – is staged in partnership with the African Union and under the aegis of WorldSkills International and the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation. It aligns with Namibia’s national long-term strategic objective to leverage the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, and by extension, support economic prosperity for future generations.

According to the Manager: WorldSkills Namibia, Sens Shoolongo, who stands at the forefront of organizing this event, WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 is going to be all about celebrating excellence, showcasing our skills talent, engaging in capacity building, infusing best practice and fostering cooperation.

Taking place from 28 March to 2 April 2022 at Swakopmund’s renowned ‘The Dome’ complex, WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 is also to include an international conference under the theme: “Promoting Skills Development in the 21st Century for Sustainable Economic Growth and African Ownership”, while a career exposition component is aimed at introducing learners to viable technical and vocational career options.

“I will fail in my duty as project lead if I do not recognise the invaluable contribution our employees are making towards our preparations. Organising an event of this magnitude is a mammoth undertaking. This is really encouraging that team members are willing to take on additional responsibilities on top of their day-to-day deliverables. Their commitment denotes a strong sense of pride in our organisation and what we do in leveraging the Technical and Vocational Education and Training sector”, Shoolongo shares.

“We look forward to engaging more employees in our preparations. We should soon extend an invitation for volunteers to support the various sub-committees with their work and preparations. Needless to say, such volunteers need to fit the profile. We are looking for energetic and driven individuals able to work under pressure”, he adds.

“The latest COVID-19 wave somewhat derailed our momentum in preparing for this event. Through our internal e-newsletter and other platforms, we will keep our employees abreast of our progress. Hard work still lies ahead of us. March/April 2022 is just around the corner, and there is still so much for us to do. However, I’m confident that true to our reputation, we will be able to stage a successful and impactful event”, he adds.

Asked about staging an event of this nature, given the unprecedented challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Shoolongo stressed the commitment of the organising team in ensuring participant and visitor safety. “Gathering Africa’s skills community in a safe and healthy environment is our main priority. Stakeholders can rest assured that the organising team is leaving no stone unturned in putting in place a sound and robust safety framework”, he emphasised.

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Swakopmund – Proud Host of WSAS2022 Mon, 02 Aug 2021 09:33:00 +0000 Sandwiched between the Atlantic and the Namib Desert, Swakopmund, is a popular and charming holiday destination. Founded in 1892 as the main harbour for the German Imperial colony, its colonial architecture, oceanfront promenades, historical sights, cozy guesthouses, and excellent restaurants, …

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Sandwiched between the Atlantic and the Namib Desert, Swakopmund, is a popular and charming holiday destination. Founded in 1892 as the main harbour for the German Imperial colony, its colonial architecture, oceanfront promenades, historical sights, cozy guesthouses, and excellent restaurants, make this laidback town a perfect base for exploring Namibia’s coastline.

“We are proud to stage this continental event at one of our country’s premier holiday destinations. Swakopmund has much to offer to the discerning tourist and its tourism establishments and state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure make it an ideal option to host WorldSkills Africa 2022”, says Namibia Training Authority Acting Chief Executive Officer, Muvatera Ndjoze-Siririka, whose organization, in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation, oversees the organization of the event.

“Swakopmund is a good starting point for trips up Namibia’s famous Skeleton Coast. A good day-trip would be south from Swakop to Walvis Bay, Namibia’s main port town. The road to Walvis Bay provides good views of the Namib dunes meeting the Atlantic. About 120 km north of Swakopmund lies Cape Cross, where every October to December about 100,000 Cape Fur Seals breed. The sight and the noise is absolutely breathtaking! For hobby botanists a half day trip to the south east on the Moon landscape drive will take you to the legendary Welwitschia mirabilis, as well as other desert-adapted plants, abandoned mining equipment, and an unbelievable landscape”, added Ndjoze-Siririka.

“I can assure WSAS2022 visitors of the Swakopmund Municipality’s commitment to this continental event in line with their vision of providing and maintaining safe and sufficient services to residents and visitors alike. This event also aligns well with Swakopmund’s ongoing strategic vision to promote development to the benefit of its communities. We welcome the Swakopmund Municipality’s commitment and partnership and we have full confidence in their efficiency as host city of WSAS2022’, concluded Ndjoze-Siririka.

Read more about the WSAS2022 Host City!

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