Welcome to
The Official Website for WorldSkills General Assembly 2004

| General | Social Programme | Tours | Hotel | Schedule | Information on Hong Kong |

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Organization Committee
Industrial Training Division
Vocational Training Council
27 Wood Road
Hong Kong
Tel: 2836 1092
Fax: 2574 3759

E-mail: wkcheng@vtc.edu.hk
Web Page: http://worldskills2004.vtc.edu.hk

Venue - Regal Hongkong Hotel
              88 Yee Wo Street
              Causeway Bay
              Hong Kong, China

Web Page: http://regalhongkong.com

Meeting Rooms - Ballroom and Victoria Rooms, Regal Hongkong Hotel

Inclusive in the Packages


I - Delegates

II - Accompanying Persons

Transport from/to HK airport Ö Ö
Hotel accommodation in HK (Macau) Ö Ö
Breakfast Ö Ö
Lunch Ö Ö
Welcome Reception and Buffet Dinner Ö Ö
Farewell Dinner Ö Ö
Dinner hosted by the Vocational Training Council of Hong Kong Ö Ö
Morning and Afternoon tea & coffee breaks Ö
Document Case Ö
Sightseeing Tour I Ö Ö
Sightseeing Tour II Ö Ö
Social Programme
(except container terminals)
(Transport to/from Macau) Ö Ö
(City tour in Macau) Ö Ö
(Breakfast in Macau) Ö Ö
(Lunch in Macau) Ö Ö
(Dinner hosted by Labour and Employment Bureau, Macau) Ö Ö

(  )   for programme C participants only

Climate/Dress Recommendations

May/June in Hong Kong is summer and quite humid, with the daily temperatures
ranging from 18'C to 30'C. It is suggested that delegates bring suitable clothing for
hot weather.

Typhoons and Black Rains

In case of adverse weather conditions, i.e., Typhoons and Black Rain, the
Organizer reserves the rights to adjust the schedules of the programme as
appropriate, including programme cancellation. Under such circumstances,
all fees paid to the Vocational Training Council will not be refunded. For
the latest information on programme adjustment, please contact the
organizing committee.

Visa requirements

Members must obtain their own visas to Macao before they come to Hong Kong.

After pre-registration, you will be advised of the payment method in the invoice as follows:
Please remit your payment by telegraphic transfer on or before 31.3.2004
to the following account with the remark ˇ§without any charges for the receiverˇ¨ :
Account No: 015-514-25-10333-7
Account Name: Vocational Training Council
Bank : The Bank of East Asia Limited, Hong Kong


In case of cancellation, the following percentages of the arrangement price will be charged:
70 days before arrival        25%
40 days before arrival        50%
24 days before arrival       100%
no show, without notice    100%

Price List
Additional ticket



Price (US$)

1. Excursion I $520 $67
2. Excursion II $160 $21
3. Welcome reception $980 $126
4. Dinner hosted by the Vocational Training Council of Hong Kong $550 $71
5. Lunch $360 $46
6. Farewell Dinner $660 $85
7. Breakfast $130 $17
8. Additional bed for child (apply to age 12 or above. Age below 12 incur no cost) $590 $76
9. Shuttle Bus for Hotel and Airport (per trip) $210 $27
10. programme A, B & C for delegates per night ˇ@ $250
11. programme A, B & C for couple per night ˇ@  $400