KOREA - Hongkyeong Kim

Hi, I'm Hongkyeong Kim from Korea. I'm 22 years old and I participated in the 38th World Skills Olympics as a competitor of Ladies' Dressmaking. But I'm sorry to say that I can't recognize even a single familier face in here. Maybe it's because during the competion period I was too worried about my work that I couldn't get a peaceful mind to look around me and make friends with others. So I'm glad I can meet you again and even seniors!!
It's really wonderful to be able to meet people from many countries and share the experiences!
Here's a picture of mine..and I also want to introduce you my lovely friend Bo-ri.
Since I'm living alone in my house very far away from my hometown Bori has been a great mate to me.(I want to take her to Melbourne...but I'm sure it won't be possible..^^)In't she lovely?
You are always welcome to my mini-hompage ==>www.cyworld.com/hokykim (I'm not sure if you can open it..it's Korean Version) There are some pictures of me and my friends!!
I'm so excited about meeting you all in may!
#And tell me how is the weather like in Melbourne in May? I heard it's totally opposite from here..we are now spring. Everyone's are enjoying beautifyl weather- sunny, cool air, clear sky and flowers are blooming!
Hi Hongkyeong Kim! I also competed in the 38th WorldSkills Competition in IT Software Applications, I recognise one or two faces but no-one i actually met. I have to agree, it was tough to get time to meet people but that's the good thing about the Youth Forum - we'll get to meet each other and hopefully make new friends!
I tried to have a look at your website but i think i got re-directed to the homepage (i'm not sure, i don't know any Korean). Bori is quite cute! She looks like she would be good company. I have 2 dogs and a cat and i can't imagine the house without them!
Now, the weather in Melbourne... You're right it is the opposite, we're into Autumn here so it's starting to get cooler. Have a look at www.weatherzone.com.au to get an idea of what the weather is doing in Melbourne!
See you in May
Bec :-)
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