News>Flags for Marching-in |
Flags for Marching-in
The Joint Opening Ceremony will start by marching-in of WSI/IA competitors/contestants in one team. Each team representing a country/region is kindly requested to bring along with a symbolic flag to Japan. The flag to be used for WSI team only or WSI/IA team should be the one that had already been notified to JOCISF and agreed on. The flag to be used only for IA team must be the one the team thinks appropriate.
JOCISF provides each team with a flag pole which has a flexible length of 1.1 to 3.0 meters. The suitable size of the flag will be approximately 1.2m Ă—1.8 m or so.
In case WSI member brings a flag, please hand it to JOCISF Secretariat at the competition site before 12 November. In case if the organization for IA brings a flag, please hand it to a volunteer assigned per team on the way from Narita to the hotel.

JOCISF provides each team with a flag pole which has a flexible length of 1.1 to 3.0 meters. The suitable size of the flag will be approximately 1.2m Ă—1.8 m or so.
In case WSI member brings a flag, please hand it to JOCISF Secretariat at the competition site before 12 November. In case if the organization for IA brings a flag, please hand it to a volunteer assigned per team on the way from Narita to the hotel.