Registration, dates and requirements

In 2015, Brazil will play host to the 43rd Edition of the main event of professional education taking place in the world: the WorldSkills Competition. WorldSkills São Paulo 2015 takes place from 11-16 August in São Paulo. The events will be held at Anhembi, one of the largest conference centres in Latin America. 

To participate, Competitors may not be over 22 years old the year of the Competition and must be part of one of the Member countries/regions of WorldSkills International. The exceptions to this rule are Information Network Cabling, Mechatronics, Manufacturing Team Challenge and Aircraft Maintenance, where Competitors must not be older than 25 years in the year of the Competition.


The qualifying is carried out through professional education Competitions, which may vary according to the rules established by the local organization. Therefore, to participate, contact the institution that represents your country/region. Nevertheless, the spirit that moves participants is unique: the talent and ability to perform.

Each one of the Member countries/regions of WorldSkills International must register their team up to 12 months prior to the Competition through the website according to the Competition Rules.