WorldSkills São Paulo 2015 develops actions with the State Department of Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation

From left to right: Giovanna Mattos, member of the Coordination of Institutional and Governmental Relations of WorldSkills São Paulo 2015; Laura Laganá, Superintendent Director of the Paula Souza Centre; Baeta Nelson Neves Filho, State Secretary; Paul Pandjiarjian, Institutional and Governmental Relations Coordinator of WorldSkills São Paulo 2015; Mascellani Neto, coordinator of Technical, Vocational and Technological Education; Paulo Delgado, technical adviser.
On 4 November, WorldSkills São Paulo 2015 was presented to the State Department of Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation of São Paulo.
The aim was to propose a partnership with the state board, primarily through Paula Souza Centre (the state institution that administers the State Government Technical Schools (Etecs) and Colleges of Technology - Fatecs) and Coordination of Technical, Vocational and Technology Education, which promotes the Jobs Fast Track program.
The Superintendent Director of the Centre, Laura Laganá, stressed the importance for the students of the Centre to visit WorldSkills São Paulo 2015, in order to contribute to the process of technical and vocational training in an environment of high academic standards.
According to the state secretary, Nelson Baeta Neves Filho, the involvement of State Government in the event is important for professional education, and the staff of the secretariat will seek the best way to participate in the promotion for the State of São Paulo.