WorldSkills Youth Forum

The WorldSkills Youth Forum will be conducted in conjunction with the General Assembly and Leaders Forum in Melbourne, Australia from May 6-11, 2006.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

NORWAY - Hans and Eirik

Meet Norwegian folk, Hans and Eirik.

Hans works in mechatronics and competed in the St Gallen international competition. Back in Norway he maintains electrical equipment for an oil platform.

Both Hans and Eirik are looking forward to coming to Australia and would love to hear from you - so post a note to say hi!


Blogger Hans (N) said...

Hei Eirik,

Skal du være igjen i Australia etter konferansen? Jeg har hjemreise i fra Sidney 15 mai. Hvordan er forventningene?

- Sorry folks, internal humor

2:18 PM  
Blogger eirich said...

I should kick Elisabeth's but for sending you that picture.. Gosh! Anyhow:

Jeg har hjemreise 14. mai.. Tror jeg det var? Forventningene har ikke helt fått tid til å feste seg enda. Det går i hunde med alskens prosjekter her, så det meste kommer vel på flyreisen nedover! Skjønte du at du kom direkte fra USA?

1:35 AM  

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