A heartly welcome from the
Executive Board of SwissSkills

Next year Switzerland will celebrate 60 years of WorldSkills International membership, the Swiss vocational education legislation has been in force for ten years and for the first time, a joint, national vocational championship will be held in the country.
In this year of milestones for vocational education in Switzerland, we are especially pleased to welcome you to the WorldSkills General Assembly in Lucerne.
You will get to know Switzerland and its unique vocational training system, and participate in an unforgettable experience.
Rico Cioccarelli | Christine Davatz-Höchner | Ueli Müller |
Technical Delegate | Official Delegate | General Secretary |
… and from the SwissSkills Board

For generations, Lucerne has brought together people and nations. The ten bridges which span the Reuss are emblematic of this. The Chapel Bridge, built nearly 700 years ago, is the city’s traditional landmark. Bridges do not only connect two banks – more than that they bring people together. The General Assembly in Lucerne is in keeping with this tradition.
We look forward to bringing together people from all over the world at the WorldSkills General Assembly and would like to welcome you to Switzerland and Lucerne.
With best regards,
Hans Ulrich Stöckling
President of the SwissSkills Board