OSOC ties in partnerships with the agencies related to education

13 August 2014

In July, the One School One Country (OSOC) program was presented in two meetings at agencies related to education. The objective was to establish partnerships and request the indication of schools in São Paulo to invite them to participate in the program. The team was in the Municipal Department of Education Division of Technical Guidance (Elementary and Secondary Education) to present the proposal, which was very well received.

The partnership with SIEEESP had immediate feedback and in the last week of July, 84 private schools received an invitation letter and the application form of the program to participate in the selection process. In September, the team will set about 65 schools that will host delegations on 11 August 2015. The main criterion for choosing the host schools will be the proximity to Anhembi Park, the Competition venue.

To Lissandra Pellizzon, Program Coordinator, the meetings in the education agencies were successful: "We managed to put together fair criteria for selecting schools. Now, we look forward to the entries in September so we can disclose the list of host schools."