Technical visit to Anhembi Park was the main activity of the fourth day of CPW

Meetings between the Skill Management Team and Workshop Managers started the fourth day. During the plenary session, topics discussed included health, safety and environment policies, and sustainability initiatives. Chief Experts also had an opportunity to share their best practices. During his presentation, Dário Pinto, Chief Expert for Mechanical Engineering Design - CAD, spoke about the Skill Management Plan and the organization of the Experts. He finished his presentation by saying that for him, "WorldSkills is not just a Competition, but a mission.”
Related to the sustainability actions for the event, the WorldSkills Competition should be based not only on environmental principles, but also of social justice and economic viability. The parameter for the sustainability actions of WorldSkills São Paulo 2015 will follow the ISO standards 20121, which is specific for events. The presentations touched on issues such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, consumption and possible lack of water, as well as points for collection and separation of waste at Anhembi Park during the Competition. There will also be an environmental education area with interactive components. Part of the waste collected will be donated to the industry.
Visit to Anhembi Park
During the afternoon, participants of the CPW visited Anhembi Park, a complex of 400,000 m2 of total area, of which 213,000 m2 will be used during the Competition. For Patrick Klarecki, former Chief Expert for Print Media Technology, the venue is impressive. "I have never been here before. I had seen only photos and when you see it in person, it is very impressive.” Klarecki was also very positive about the Competition and the CPW. "I think the Competition is going to be very exciting. The CPW is also excellent and I am so pleased that WorldSkills organization brings together such a large number of people to experience and plan it. The WorldSkills Competition is getting better, the planning, the professionalism and the level of expertise of all the people involved is outstanding.”