Skills Ambassador Stations

Ever wonder what it would be like to be a trades or technology skill professional? Come visit our Skills Ambassador Stations and be inspired to seek a vocational skill as a secure and fulfilling career.
Come visit one or more of the 28 Skills Ambassador Stations set up throughout the WorldSkills Calgary 2009 Competition. Talk to an experienced journeyman, young apprentice or past skills competitor about their skill. Hear success stories and have questions answered by the experts.
Groups of 40 people can circulate through the Skills Ambassador Stations. Each station is an amphitheatre setting welcoming all user groups. Short 3-5 presentations will walk you through everything you would like to know about the Competition and that specific trade.
Throughout the four days of the Competition, school groups, families and the general public can discover the many interesting career opportunities available and what they can do to pursue them. Learn details about a skill, the education and training involved, skills and interests needed, salary range and benefits, and where to go to investigate the career further.
Each Skills Ambassador Station will be set up within the corresponding Skills Competition. This enables visitors to see what countries are competing and what competitors are doing. Be part of this unique educational experience and share in the excitement.