European Skills Competition
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EuroSkills 2010 - WELCOME TO LISBON

In 2010, Lisbon proudly welcomes the 2nd edition of the EuroSkills and hosts hundred of competitors, experts and judges, representing 31 countries and 50 vocational skills.

The EuroSkills Lisboa 2010 is an opportunity to raise the image, quality and attractiveness of VET systems in Europe. An opportunity to bring together different stakeholders in the VET field: leaders and policy makers, experts, trainers and teachers, schools and enterprises. An opportunity to demonstrate, test, compare and update work and training methodologies, to strengthen partnerships and enhance common patterns within Europe.

An opportunity for a live showcase of skills and a way of promoting excellence and of recognizing the competences of Europe's best trainees and trainers.


The city has its World Heritage architectural marvels, and singular museum treasures. The charm of Lisbon exist in its strong links to the past; renovated palaces, magnificent churches, and an impressive castle mirror the city's rich cultural heritage. It's one of Europe's most enjoyable capitals with relaxed atmosphere, with its restored towns and well preserved architecture of UNESCO's World Heritage sites in Sintra, Batalha and Alcobaca.


The city also has cultural and history heritage, and is host of great number of remarkable museums of ancient and modern art, some of which are Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, National Museum of Contemporary Art, National Coach Museum and Carmo Archeological Museum. There Fado songs continue to be heard, and can also be listened, Contrasting to this ancient music the city is moving with new rhythms of the modern diversity.

You will never be bored, because Lisbon offers you different options when you are tired of sightseeing, such as shopping in the big mall of the city, and to enjoy your nights including in the city's gastronomic delights.

You can visit beach resorts, ancient palaces, world famous holy shrines, and wine tasting towns near Lisbon by either making a day trip or by staying there to enjoy the feel of the place.


ESPO, the organization behind Euroskills

In 2007 ESPO, the European Skills Promotion Organization, was founded as a member association. Members of ESPO are authorised national skills' organisations in all European member states, EFTA- and candidate member states. ESPO's main objective is to promote skills' excellence, vocational education and training and craftsmanship and focuses on European youngsters. ESPO supports The European Lifelong Learning policy and aims to raise the appeal and importance of high quality VET throughout Europe. Euroskills 2010 is the main event in which these objectives are realised. Euroskills 2010 has been developed in cooperation with the members of ESPO. All European countries can join ESPO and this membership is necessary to be able to compete during a Euroskills competion. For more information about ESPO and its members, please check:


Portugal since the first moment

Portugal, together with Spain, participated in the first International Vocational Training Contest held in Madrid, back in 1950. In 1964, the 13th edition of the International Vocational Training Competition was held in Lisbon and in 2000, coinciding with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Europe, the 50th anniversary of the IVTO was also celebrated in Lisbon. In this context, it was with great pleasure and enthusiasm that we participated, from the very first moment and as a founding member, in the constitution of the European Skills Promotion Organisation and in the first edition of Euroskills in Rotterdam.


For over half of a century, Portugal has participated, with the greatest efforts and dedication, in the International Professions Championships, considering that these contests are excellent opportunities to promote qualifications, mobilize and create partnerships within the corporate sector and foster the updating of trainers.


The Public Employment Service

The Institute of Employment and Vocational Training - IEFP (Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional) has, since the very beginning, been the body responsible in Portugal for organising the skills championships and for Portuguese participation in the International Championships, taking part in both WorldSkills International and the ESPO (EuroSkills Promotion Organization).


The Employment and Professional Training Institute - IEFP (Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional), functions as the public employment service, aimed at creating mechanisms to enable the meeting of the demand and supply of employment, by guaranteeing a service of excellence guided by precision, quality, speed and effectiveness, permanently updating its services to meet the needs and expectations of its users.


The mission of IEFP is to foster the creation and quality of employment, as well as to fight against unemployment through active employment policies, namely involving professional training.


Through a decentralised and flexible structure, it covers 86 Employment Centres, 58 Professional Training Centres and 84 New Opportunities Centres, 1 Professional Rehabilitation Centre and 8 Centres to Support Business Creation.


Netemprego is a service which is on-line 24 hours a day. It allows all interested parties, particularly the unemployed and employers, to carry out the direct management of the service, especially the registration of CVs and placement of job offers and candidatures to jobs, fostering direct adjustment between supply and demand. In addition to which it provides a wide range of useful information, especially on support to own job creation. and