Hello everyone!
I am Florence from Belgium (a little country next to France) and I am 22.
I was at the WorldSkills 05 in Helsinki.
Before that I did 3 years of studies in Advertinsing and Graphic Design.
WorldSkills was for me a great experience and I would wish everybody could live it!
On the 27th of February I go to England for 4 weeks in order to practice my english. So I hope I'll be able to speak to all of you at the Youth Forum !
Also, I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to work a few weeks in Australia before the Forum. That's why I'll arrive in Australia on the 1st of April. During that month, I'll stay with Jane Stokie, the graphic design expert. I'll work with here at the McPherson Media Group.
After the Youth Forum, I'm staying a few months in Australie. I don't know how long yet.
If somebody else is going to stay too, let me know, maybe we can try to do something together.
I'm looking foward to meeting you all at the Youth Forum 2006!