COVID-19 Advisory – Revised Entry Requirements
Dear WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 Delegate,
In terms of Namibia’s recently updated COVID-19 Regulations, persons travelling to Namibia can be granted access via any point of entry, in
terms of the following classifications. If any of the three are in place, access can be granted.
1. An individual can be granted access if they present a valid SARS-COV2 PCR negative test result not older than 72 hours (from date sample
taken) and such results were issued by a certified laboratory in the country of issue. Travelers must have a PanaBOIS (Trusted Travel) System
pass, which is generated, once COVID-19 test results are uploaded on the system; OR
2. An individual can be granted access if they present a valid de-isolation certificate, not older than three months from the date of discharge
from isolation. This de-isolation certificate must be issued by the official health authority in the country of departure; OR
3. An individual can be granted access if they present a valid vaccination certificate showing that such person is fully vaccinated against COVID-
19. It must be issued by a person or authority certified or authorized to administer COVID-19 vaccines and to issued vaccination certificates,
in any country.
Our safety is our shared responsibility. Your cooperation is of utmost importance.
Issued by the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund 2022 COVID-19 Task Force